Links - Social Processes
Sociology, General
Culture & institutions
Gender Studies
Human Ecology
Social Behavior
Social Change
Social Groups
Social Interaction
Social Issues: Abortion
Social Processes
Social Statistics
Conflict Prevention and Mediation
Palestinian Conflict Cooperation Listening Skills Mediation
Conflict Styles and Conflict Transformation
Opportunities to integrate conflict management models that have been heretofore viewed as parallel or even incompatible should be explored, as they contribute to the ongoing scholarly goal of parsimony while simultaneously broadening our thinking about organizational conflict.
Social Change and Conflict Transformation
The Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation is a comprehensive and cumulative website resource that provides continually updated cutting-edge knowledge, experience and lessons-learned for those working in the field of transforming violent ethnopolitical conflict. The content comes in the form o
Why does a society develop the way it does?
General theories of change Process of change World Change Globalization Democratization and political change Demographic changes poverty Health and Human development Social changes

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