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Famous Astronomers and Astrophysicists
Includes the likes of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Giovanni Cassini, Sir Isaac Newton, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, William Herschel, Edward Barnard, and so many more!
Famous Scientists: Astronomers
Here’s our alphabetical list of the most popular astronomers, or contributors to astronomy, astrophysics, or cosmology on the Famous Scientists website, ordered by surname. Includes John Herschel, Fred Hoyle, Anaximander, Tycho Brahe, Henrietta Leavitt, and more!
History of Astronomy: Persons
Astronomy biography biographies astronomers
Infoplease: Astronomers & Astrophysicists
Includes John Couch Adams, Aristarchus of Samos, Edward Emerson Barnard, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, Tycho Brahe, Margaret Burbidge, Cristoph Clavius, Nicholas Copernicus, Giovanni Battista Donati, Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, Galileo, Edmond Halley, Edwin Powell Hubble, Johannes Kepler, Pierre Simo
Nicolaus Copernicus - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Includes the Life and Works of Copernicus, his Astronomical Ideas and Writings,Pre-Copernican Astronomy, The Commentariolus, On the Revolutions, Rheticus and the Narratio prima
, Printing On the Revolutions and Osiander's Preface, and Sixteenth Century Reactions to On the Revolutions.
Notable Scientists: Physical Sciences Astronomers,
Includes: Aristarchus of Samos, Asada Goryu, Barnard, Edward Emerson, Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, Bode, Brahe, Tycho, Celsius, Anders, Clark, Alvan, Clavius, Cristoph, Copernicus, Nicholas Dyson, Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley, Fowler, William Alfred, Hawking, Stephen William, Hoyle, Johann Franz, G
Notable Women Astronomers
A short list and brief biographical profiles of notable women in the field of astronomy, including the 16th-2oth centuries.
Project Gutenberg EBook of Great Astronomers, by R. S. Ball
Includes Information on Ptolemy, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo, Kepler, Isaac Newton, Flamsteed, Halley, Bradley, William Herschel, Laplace, Brinkley, John Herschel, The Earl Of Rosse, Airy, Hamilton, Le Verrier, and Adams. Provides numerous illustrations of historical astronomical instruments.
The Story of the Herschels, a Family of Astronomers
From the best available sources have been gathered the following biographical particulars of a remarkable family of astronomers—the Herschels: Sir William Herschel, Sir John Herschel, Caroline Herschel.
Women in Astronomy: A Comprehensive Bibliography
Compiled by Ruth S. Freitag Science Reference Services Library of Congress

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