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Biographies, The Scientists
Biographies of the Scientists Scientists, Science, Boyle, Copernicus, Charles Francis Crick Darwin, Faraday, Galileo, Goethe, Haeckel, Herschel, Huxley, Lyell, Sir Isaac Newton Oppenheimer, Pascal, Tyndall Niels Bohr Louis Leakey Gregor Mendel Blaise Pascal Joseph Priestley Edward Teller Alessandro
Enchanted Learning: Inventors and Inventions
Includes Tim Berners-Lee, ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL, Archimedes, JONAS SALK, Gertude Elion, Leo Szilard, Thomas Edison, and many more!
Eric Weisstein's World of Scientific Biography
biography biographies scientists science Archaeologists Geneticists Paleontologists Astronomers Geographers Biochemists Geologists Physicians Biologists Physicists Chemists Mathematicians Physiologists Computer Scientists Meteorologists Psychologists Microbiologists Mineralogists Engineers Optici
Find A Grave - Scientists and Inventors
Scientists and Inventors John Barclay Charles Andre Marie Ampere Robert Adler Alexander Fleming Thomas Alva Edison Lee de Forest William Caxton Vannevar Bush Nathaniel Bowditch Alexander Graham Bell Charles Babbage Robert Goddard Edmond Halley William Harvey Kuraji Ishikawa Elijah McCoy Edward Jenn
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National Inventors Hall of Fame
Pneumatic rubber tires Harvey Firestone George Washington Carver air conditioning Willis Haviland Carrier Henry Bessemer carborundum Edward Acheson Jack S. Kilby Integrated Circuit Guglielmo Marconi Radio Hiram Maxim machine gun Samuel F. B. Morse Telegraph Morse code
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The Smithsonian Institution: Inventors
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ThoughtCo : Inventors
famous inventors and inventions

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